23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Aside, In Private, Away From
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The Better Part Podcast
Listen to weekly reflections prior to Sunday Mass!
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): The Word That Shepherds
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Prayer and Compassion
Trinity Sunday (Ages 3-6): How Can We Remember?
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Coming So Close
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Private Time With God
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Hunting or Seeking?
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Intimate
Feast of the Holy Family (Ages 9-12): The Holy Family of God
4th Sunday of Advent (Ages 6-9): Wait No Longer
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Taking The Time
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Saying And Doing The Will
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Problem Solving
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Who Does Jesus Help?
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Eyes On Jesus
Trinity Sunday (Ages 3-6): Who Are You, God?
Mary, Mother of God (Ages 6-9): Two Ways To Respond
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Seeing Jesus
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Making Ourselves Small
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Who Are Our Eyes On?
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): The Jesus Prayer
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Pray Always
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): The One With the Power
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Deeper Knowing
19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Treasure of the Kingdom
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): How To Pray
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Persistent Prayer
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Just Ask! (and keep on asking)
Sixth Sunday of Easter (Ages 9-12): Fruit of the Spirit
5th Sunday of Lent (Ages 3-6): Time Out With Jesus
2nd Sunday of Lent (Ages 6-9): Encounter
2nd Sunday of Lent (Ages 9-12): Connect the Dots
1st Sunday of Lent (Ages 9-12): Prayer in Preparation
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Listen To His Voice
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): The Seventh Jar
Baptism of the Lord (Ages 3-6): Let God Love
Baptism of the Lord (Ages 6-9): The Power of Prayer
Baptism of the Lord (Ages 9-12): Soaking Up the Love
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Treasure
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): On Divine Things
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Aside, In Private, Away From
Assumption of Mary (Ages 9-12): Soul Outpouring
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Prayer and Compassion
3rd Sunday of Lent (Ages 3-6): A Place Set Apart
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Private Time With God
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 6-9): Seeking or Hunting?
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 9-12): Intimate
Feast of the Holy Family (Ages 9-12): The Holy Family of God
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): Praise God!
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Ages 3-6): The Lord's Doing